

Movie Review - 'Whiplash(セッション)' : the most extreme form of "a duel"

Hi! My name is Takei Hironori.
Today I'll talk about my favorite movie of 2014, "Whiplash."

"Whiplash" is a story about a music school student. He beats drums, and his teacher beats him. That's the whole movie. Some people focus on the music and say; "How terrible! the performance is just noise!" Exactly, except the movie is actually about "a duel."

"A duel" is a battle under an agreement between someone and you. Once you are in it, you must follow the rules even if they are so absurd. But the more you repeat it, the more purified your will gets, as if a religious ritual let you go up the next stage of your spirit. That is what "Whiplash" shows. Every noise from the movie sounds like knuckles hitting each other!

During the last 11 minutes, you will see the most extreme form of "a duel". If you haven't watched it ... Just watch!
Thank you.
